“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

“Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tis the Season

The last few weeks have been full of delicious food, good cheer, and love is in the air! Us LCI teachers managed to pull off a Thanksgiving feast towards the end of last month and we had the amazing opportunity last weekend to go to a Korean wedding! Our amazing food! I cooked the stuffing, gravy, and Bapka's apple betty and the other teachers contributed the rest. Josh had to go onto one of the army bases to get the turkey, that is one meat rarely consumed here in Korea! For most of the Korean teachers, it was their first time eating turkey and trying gravy. Josh and I carving the turkey! Felt weird to be in charge this year instead of just eating! My first (and maybe last :) Thanksgiving eaten with chopsticks! Brianna, Katie and I. One of my partner teachers, Bora and I. Here's the little man! This is Isaac, Jade's son. He is too cute and he really likes me! So in the friendly Thanksgiving competitive spirit, I suggested we do trivia like we do at home. It was too funny! Here is the winning team, Jennifer, Ian, Katie, Nick, Lynn and Sylvia. .....and here's the losing team. Jade, Sue, Nick and I. We only lost by one point and if Nick would have listened to me and not vetoed like 4 of my answers we would have won! The gang's all here! This is the whole group of us LCI teachers. It was such a good experience to have shared that feast with each other. It was a delicious fusion of Western Thanksgiving food and Korean food, so much fun to see the Korean's reactions to our cooking! Well, we managed to pull of a Thanksgiving meal in the middle of Korea. I was surprised it all came together! Another big happening of the last few weeks was Lynn's wedding. Her and her boyfriend G-Money (that's not his real name haha that's just what we call him, I can't pronounce his real name!) of 8 years got married and were kind enough to invite all the teachers from LCI. Let me tell you, it was quite the experience! Such a different process than a western wedding. The venue was a huge convention center in Suwon that we nicknamed the "wedding factory", it was maybe a 6 story building with tons of rooms on each floor for different wedding ceremonies. There was a new marriage in each room every half hour or so, there must have been 20 other couples married at the same time as Lynn. Right after Lynn and G-Money walked down the aisle as a married couple, they were changing the coffee cups on our table and ushering us out of the room to make way for the next ceremony! Lynn sat in a beautifully decorated room for a couple hours while pictures were taken. She just sat on this loveseat thing and everyone would crowd around her for pictures. Lynn looked absolutely breathtaking, she was wearing the most stunning beaded and sparkling dress! The beautiful bride! Lynn with Katie. Check out Katie's new do! She has been blonde since 6th grade and just dyed her hair dark, she looks so different than what I am used to! Lynn and I. The LCI boys with Lynn. They all got bowties and suspenders for the wedding, clean up nicely huh! This is a picture of the stewardess-looking women who tended to Lynn all afternoon. Us girls, we clean up nice too, huh?! :) Here's the aisle, it looked more like a runway to me! Lynn and her father. After the ceremony, the bride and groom approached each set of parents and did the very traditional bow. Josh and I having a spot of tea!

1 comment:

  1. I believe you worked at the school I was applying to work at, could you possibly provide some insight? christinabrown0603@gmail.com
