“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

“Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

Monday, February 22, 2010

Picture Update!

Hamburger in a bag... GROSS!! I went to go around the corner to get a snack on a break at school the other day and Bri asked me to get her something so I brought that back for her as a joke haha. We opened it to check it out but nobody ate it thank goodness, you probably would have ended up in the hospital after that.

Some of us out for Michelle's birthday (the girl in the yellow in the front). We met these girls through Kevin and Daniel, our friends that used to be here from WSU. They live in Dongtan near us but don't teach at the same school. Fun nights with new friends!

Crazy laser things! People are still allowed to smoke inside so it is kinda of smokey! That combined with the lasers and fog machine = fire hazard. Haha fun time though

This is a picture of the common street food vendors. Supposedly they sell "street meat", which nobody really knows what exactly it is. I have yet to try anything from these guys but I know they will get me eventually with the late-night snack!

The group out for Ta-Leah's (the girl second from the left) I've-Been-In-Korea-For-Exactly-Ten-Months anniversary dinner! We tried to go to an Indian restaurant in Suwon, but it turns out they were closed as they were leaving the next day to go back to India for two weeks! We ended up at this little restaurant down the street, which was a blessing in disguise because the food was just amazing!

This quite possibly could have been one of the best meals I've ever had. I don't even know how to explain what it tasted like but it was SO good! The base is kind of like a teriyaki, thai, soy, ridiculously spicy thick sauce. There's chunks of dark meat chicken in it, lots of veggies, these things called rice cakes which are basically really thick chunks of pasta, and a bunch of "chewy" noodles on top. This was another dish that you let heat at your table and then eat it out of the communal pot! Not to worry though, they bring side dishes like kimchi and salad to keep you occupied while youre waiting for it to cook! We also got "service", which is just something the restaurant/bar throws in for free, like extra meat or an extra side dish. This time we got a traditional rice wine which was served in pieces of tree! Overall a really amazing meal.

Typical side dish in Korea that they bring to you with your meal, if you can't tell it's a bunch of dried little fish! Anchovies maybe? I tried it, but I am NOT a fan. Gross.

Hahah one of the funniest things I've ever seen! In between sleeping almost the entire ride, this man literally stared at Katie the entire 30 minute subway ride home from Pyeongtaek. Katie's expression is just so funny!

Cool picture of Suwon at night!

What a lady!

Some of the kids on Science Day when we made stethoscopes! This picture is them trying to listen through the floor with the project, right before they used the homemade stethoscopes to yell in my ear!

Trying to figure out their science projects!

Brown English Language School, now transitioning to LCI, where I will be working! It snowed!

Half of the group at Outback Steakhouse for Kevin and Daniel's (the two boys in the middle of the table) going away dinner. They were the two guys we knew from WSU and it was sad to see them go! But I can't complain about a free steak dinner :)

Katie, Bri, Lyla and myself waiting for the rest of the group at Shabu Shabu. They bring a huge pot of broth and vegetables over and it goes on that burner in the center of the table, you add meat and noodles to it, wait for it to cook then eat it! Delicious (and spicy)!!

Seafood shabu shabu! This is all the stuff you put in the broth and wait for it to cook, looks like a nice selection of squid and octopus on that one. I prefer the beef option.

The octopus after it cooked in the broth, I ate it! Didn't really taste like much, it's just reallllly chewy!

One of my favorite kids Noah. He is such a character if you can't tell haha

Katie talking to Charlie in the teacher's room... Charlie is so adorable!

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