“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

“Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Look what I found at Insadong Market!!! Had to take a picture for all you Husky fans back home! It's so funny seeing shirts like this, the Koreans love US sports and cities and things like that. There are a lot of clothes items with NYPD or Boston Red Sox or UW colors on it, for example. A lot of the time certain words or letters will get lost in translation so they come out sounding pretty funny. For instance, I got a shirt the other day that says "There are big ships, there are small ships, but the best ship is FRIEDship" haha I'm pretty sure it's supposed to say FRIENDship.

Goofin around at Insadong Market, cool shades!! Haha! That's Katelan on the left, Katie in the middle, and then me with the sweet red sunnies on. We went to Insadong Market one weekend with a few people, the market there sells a lot of knick-knacky things and great stuff for traditional souveniers. Vendors also sell a lot of homemade items that are really cool. I got a few things for gifts that I can't wait to send home!!

Suwon Stadium, where we went to see a soccer game for a friend's birthday. So much fun!

We were rooting for the blue, the Suwon Bluewings! Suwon is a city not far from us, only about 2 subway stops. It is fun to go to sometimes after school for dinner or shopping since it's not too far away.

The soccer group, we were all there for John's birthday... he is the one in the front on the left side in the tan jacket. The guy to my right is Andy, the only guy teacher at our school!

The final score, 0-2. We lost :(

Someone got proposed to at half time! I guess that's a pretty famous Korean singer down there with them.

The "hooligans" in the bottom section, closest to the field. They had a bunch of huge flags they would wave together every once in a while. Also, I guess they are called the "Skull Crew"!

HOW CUTE ARE THESE LITTLE GUYS??? Oh my goodness the pictures just don't even do them justice. We were walking around after dinner one evening and came across this guy in the middle of the street selling these bunnies... for only 2,000 Won! Thats less than $2.00! They were so cute and he told us, in very broken English, that they would stay that small and not get any bigger. Four of us girls had them and we seriously came so close to buying them, my mind was made up and his name was going to be Thumper. But I had a last minute moment of clarity and was like ok, it's not just cute you're going to have to feed it, clean up after it, find someone to watch it when we go on vacations, etc etc. So I decided not to buy one and everyone else kind of followed suit, but I just cannot even describe how cute they were! I think they were maybe a cross between a bunny and a hamster or something, thats the best I can describe.

This picture is the view from where we were sitting at this really amazing Korean restaurant. We went as a group for Ta-Leahs sort of going-away dinner with just us foreign teachers. All of us were sitting on the top level and there was this middle level, and then another lower lever. The food was that same style where it comes out in a big pot in the middle of the table and you get 3 or 4 people on one and share. So delicious!

Apparently, this is what teenage guys do to each other on their birthdays! We came across this guy after the soccer game and no joke, all of his friends were kicking him and taking their shoes off and hitting him with it. It was ridiculous! I mean everyone was laughing though so I guess its all in good fun! (?) I told Bri and Katie not to even think about it come July 30... haha

We wandered into a restaurant to kill some time at the train station, and look what we found! The restaurant was named Benigans, not sure if we have those in Washington?! Regardless, a little taste of home! Made me miss everyone!

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