“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

“Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

Monday, April 26, 2010

This is a really random picture but a huge sign fell at Byeongjeom subway station, where we always go to catch the metro. It fell right at the beginning of the area where you get a taxi, crazy!

Katie, Amy and I right after getting off at the subway station before our big hike!! That's Dobongsan mountain in the background. I didn't believe Katelan when she first said that is what we would be hiking!

Beautiful area and bridge at the foot of Dobongsan mountain.

Beautiful temple at the beginning of the hike! That's the mountain we scaled in the background, we made it all the way to that peak!

Us in the entry way to the temple.

All of us hiking, the trails were pretty crowded! Must have been because it was such a beautiful day. And I mean I won't lie, I was getting passed by people 3 or even 4 times my age. They are decked out too, with their miniature chairs and backpack and poles. We were by far the youngest people on the path most of the time!

This was another cool bridge about halfway up the mountain. Everything was so cool and beautiful!

Chase off the beaten path... figures! He insisted on this picture! Too funny.

Us at the very tippy top! We made it!! I thought I was going to die but we actually made it. The white part in this picture is the most amazing view of the mountain range behind us, too bad it didn't turn out.

Katie, Katelan, Bri, Amy and I along the way.

A marker along the way, couldn't tell ya what it says though!

This is a picture of another peak by the one we climbed. I'm not sure if you can tell, but those black dots on the mountainside are people rock climbing!! It looked so awesome!

Looking down from the very top point of the mountain. We had to pull ourselves up that railing for the last 50 feet or so. Hard work!!

Bri doing something dangerous, haha! It looks so much higher than she actually was! Cool picture though.

The mountain range behind Seoul, the pictures just don't even do it justice. It literally took my breath away. I was chatting with this lady who had also hiked Do bongsan that day on our walk back to the subway station, and she told me about how Seoul is the only city of that size completely surrounded by mountainous area. Pretty cool!

AMAZING view of Seoul!

The group at the Cherry Blossom Festival in Yongsun, a part of Seoul. The festival goes on for a few weeks in April and was really beautiful! We went on a perfect day, it was so nice and sunny out.

Some of the artists lined up on the side of the festival, trying to get you to sit for a portrait. They were all really good!!

One of the artists' drawing of President Obama. It caught my eye!

Just a little nourishment on the side of the street while walking around at the Cherry Blossom Festival. Two different kinds of bugs, take your pick!

Sorry, random picture, but I just want you all to know what I have to deal with! This is a nice example of the public restrooms, a hole in the group. I'll let you imagine how you use it and let me just say this one is sparkling clean. Not fun!

We saw this little guy on our walk to school last week, isn't he cute?!!

Katie on her 23rd birthday! A group of us went out for Mexican food in Songtan and of course I had to make her wear the sobrero!

I gave in! Bri and I had to, I miss Starbucks! I have to say though that will probably be the only one I get all year, it was more than $6.00!

This little girl was so adorable! She got on the subway with her mom and brother, stared and giggled at us for a good 10 minutes, and then came up to us to say hello and practice her English.

Look how crowded the subway can get!! I have even been on when it's worse than this, and let me tell you it is not fun. I'll just say deodorant is not a hot commodity around here. I'm not looking forward to subway rides in the 100+ degree summer weather!

Koreans always sleep on the subway, they get mad at us if we are talking or laughing loud or anything like that. This guy almost fell straight out of his seat!! It was so funny!

This lady almost fell out of her seat also. First she almost fell straight forward onto the floor, then she jolted away and then almost fell into the empty seat next to her. And to top it all off, she ended up on that guy's shoulder to the right, but he got off a stop before her so I don't think she knew him. It was hilarious.

Cool sculpture outside the Seoul Olympic Park stadium. There is plaza area, lots of park, and 3 or 4 different stadium around the Olympic Park area. On the same night we were there for the Boyz II Men concert, Yuna Kim was performing in the ice rink next door!

We went to the Boyz II Men concert a few weekends ago! It was so fun! Kind of funny to hear some songs I haven't heard since grade school. The concert was in the Seoul Olympic Park Stadium so it was fun to hang around there for a while and check things out before the concert.

This is the group that opened for Boyz II Men, I guess they are the Korean equivalent of them. Their name is 4Men... but as you can see there are only 3 men!! A fourth guy came out for like 2 songs, which just happened to be when Katie and Bri were in the bathroom so I don't think they believe us that there really are 4 men!

Boyz II Men! This concert was so much fun, it was kind of random that we went and who even knew Boyz II Men still toured?? I knew most of the words to most of the songs though, from back in the day when they were cool haha.

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